Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


Participant : Andrea Tettamanzi.

We participate in the CNRS PEPS GéoIncertitude, with researchers of the UMR 7300 ESPACE de Nice and of the IRIT of Toulouse on the modeling of uncertainty in Geography using fuzzy logic and possibility theory.

HCI Group of GLC I3S Laboratory

Participant : Alain Giboin.

This work is done in collaboration with Philippe Renevier-Gonin, Christian Brel, Anne-Marie Déry (I3S Rainbow team).

The HCI Group brings together researchers from GLC teams conducting or wishing to conduct research related to HCI. The group specifically addresses the issues of how to conduct user experiments to evaluate the UIs of the software developed in GLC. The group establishes collaborations between researchers in the design and implementation of experiments. Last year a collaboration was initiated between the teams Rainbow and Wimmics on the assessment of (1) an application composition process driven by the composition of UIs, and (2) the prototype OntoCompo supporting this process.

This year, too, a collaboration started to design visualization services assisting caregivers in their night watch tasks.


Participant : Alain Giboin.

This work is done in colaboration with Karima Boudaoud and Marc Arnaert (I3S Rainbow team).

PadDOC goal is to contribute to accelerating the digital transition of citizen, local and regional authorities, administrations and enterprises, by : (1) developing an open standard and innovative software and hardware resources to facilitate nearby or distant administrative formalities and procedures; (2) improving the security of the holder's personal data by putting these data under the exclusive control of the holder; (3) by exploiting unmarked communicating supports (such as smartphones or tablets) for all chain actors. PadDOC partners are: Docapost BPO, Anyces, ABC SmartCard and the teams Rainbow, Media-Coding and Wimmics. Wimmics will contribute to: (1) the analysis, design and evaluation of the PadDOC security-oriented user interfaces; (2) the impact assessment of the chain of actors participating in the experiment to validate the viability of the PadDOC social system. The PadDOC project officially began in November 2014.

SyReMuse Project: collaboration Agorantic-Inria

Participants : Alain Giboin, Isabelle Mirbel, Serena Villata.

This work is done in collaboration with Bernard Senach (Hephaistos, Inria), Brigitte Trousse (Focus Lab, Inria), with Agorantic partners.

Started last year, the collaboration continued this year with ITCS and HSS teams from the Agorantic Federative Structure for Research of the Université d'Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse. Distant and face-to-face meetings were organized to refine the so-called SyReMuse project, the goal of which is to analyze, design, and evaluate a system recommending visit tours to museum visitors (individuals and groups).

MSHS: Axis-2 ICT, Usage and Communities

Participants : Alain Giboin, Alexandre Monnin, Fabien Gandon.

This work is done in collaboration with Lise Arena and Bernard Conein (Gredeg).

Axis-2 of the ”Maison des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (MSHS) du Sud-Est (Nice)” is interested in the relationships between ICT, Practices and Communities. Axis-2 objective is to make explicit two aspects of the relationship between digital technology and community building: (1) networks and (2) artifacts. Two Axis-2 groups-projects address these aspects: (1) the group-project ”Social networks and digital networks” and the group-project ”Artifacts and coordination”.

The first group-project examines how the Internet allows reconstructing the dynamics of interaction networks by making explicit interaction phenomena that could not be observed and treated before the event of Big Data. The second group-project studies the impact of cognitive technologies on the social and cognitive coordination between individuals in organizational and community contexts. Wimmics was mainly involved in the second group-project. In this context, we co-organized the COOP 2014 conference and the COOP 2014 workshop on ”The role of artefacts in social coordination”.